Ruins of Lindoran
This is an update, revision, and expansion to the 1980 Judges Guild AD&D module, “Treasure Vaults of Lindoran,” and by the same author. This adventure details the long-hidden Vaults sealed long ago by Foriel, last King of the doomed Elchanim Elves, these Vaults protect the kingly relics of the Elves against the day that Elves return to Elchanim Vale. Encounter details are provided for Adventurers crossing the Ophraz Mountains into Elchanim Vale and on to the ruins of Lindoran, for the plaza surrounding the Vault building, and for the nearby Saorla Temple, the Temple of Kings. The Vaults consist of three underground levels. Wistanrangag, the classic Red Dragon from the original module, is back, and ready to harass the intrepid Adventurers. The adventure also provides more background material about current-day Lindoran and the powers that inhabit the ruins.